Deep Dive Panchpran Pledge Seminar

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Deep Dive Panchpran Pledge Seminar

Date: August 17, 2023

On August 17, 2023, Navjeevaan Law College hosted the “Deep Dive Panchpran Pledge” seminar, a significant event aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices. The seminar drew participants from various backgrounds, including students, faculty members, and esteemed guests. The event was graced by the presence of Sima Tai Hiray, a distinguished Member of the Legislative Assembly, and our respected NSS Programme Officer, Dr. Shalini Ghumre. Honorable Welcome and Address: The seminar began with a warm welcome extended by Dr. Shalini Ghumre, the NSS Programme Officer of Navjeevaan Law College. Dr. Ghumre’s words emphasized the crucial role of such gatherings in fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment among the youth. Her opening remarks set the tone for an enlightening and thought-provoking session ahead.

Insightful Address by Dr. Sameer Chavan: Dr. Sameer Chavan, an Assistant Professor at Navjeevaan Law College and a prominent member of the Board of Studies at SPPU, addressed the assembled participants. Dr. Chavan’s presentation centered around the core principles of the “Deep Dive Panchpran Pledge.” With clarity and passion, he elaborated on the five essential elements that form the pledge: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Space. His address underlined the interconnectedness of these elements with our lives and the urgent need to safeguard them for future generations. Inspirational Presence of Sima Tai Hiray: Sima Tai Hiray, an esteemed Member of the Legislative Assembly, graced the occasion with her presence. Tai Hiray’s commitment to environmental causes and legislative initiatives was evident as she shared her insights and experiences. Her speech highlighted the vital role that education institutions like Navjeevaan Law College play in nurturing environmentally conscious citizens. Tai Hiray’s presence served as an inspiration to all attendees, urging them to take an active role in environmental conservation efforts.

Interactive Discussions and Engaging Exchanges: Following the insightful addresses, the seminar provided a platform for interactive discussions and exchanges of ideas. Participants actively engaged in Q&A sessions, raising thought-provoking questions and sharing perspectives on environmental challenges and potential solutions. This dynamic interaction enhanced the value of the seminar, fostering a sense of community commitment towards environmental sustainability. Conclusion: The “Deep Dive Panchpran Pledge” seminar held on August 17, 2023, at Navjeevaan Law College was a resounding success.

The presence of Sima Tai Hiray, Dr. Sameer Chavan’s comprehensive address, and Dr. Shalini Ghumre’s gracious welcome collectively underscored the significance of the event. The seminar not only highlighted the importance of environmental consciousness and sustainable practices but also demonstrated the college’s dedication to nurturing responsible citizens. The exchange of ideas and insights among participants further reinforced the commitment to environmental stewardship, paving the way for future initiatives in this direction.